Archive for the ‘Hindi Poetry’ Category

रितु बसंत रंगीली आई

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

Spring season has brought relief from Winter for nature and human beings too.

खामोशियाँ !

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

When we both are silent, every thing is silent too. Lets be same again.

मैंने उसको छुपा के…

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

To save some beautiful moments in life is a right deed.When the old age comes and solitude is there , those moments give internal satisfaction and company.

अब कोई यदि मेरे पथ पर

Sunday, October 21st, 2018

If my Ego is within me, I can not stop it .

सुषुप्त वेदना

Saturday, October 20th, 2018

Human is a patient of his own EGO.

फागुन की मीठी धूप

Saturday, October 20th, 2018

Spring brings comfort as winter makes you tired of cold weather.Welcome ..Fresh sunrays of Spring.

दुश्मने जाँ (ग़ज़ल)

Saturday, October 20th, 2018

Loved him passionately but he always tried to behave indifferently.

हिम्मत कर

Friday, October 19th, 2018

Always be positive.

मुकम्मल रिश्ते

Friday, October 19th, 2018

दम तोड़ते रिश्ते बड़े बेमानी से होते हैं सिर्फ बातें ही बातें होती हैं बातों में थाह नहीं होती निगाहें टिकी तो होती हैं नज़रें भटक रही होती हैं कुछ कहने को खुलती है ज़ुबां शब्द-कोष ही रीत जाते हैं ..निर्विकार चेहरों के भाव मंजे हुए बनावटी मुखौटे इक-दूजे से कतराते हैं चाहते हैं रिश्तों […]

अनदेखे ख़्वाब

Friday, October 19th, 2018

We have many dreams but we are not able to see them .We miss them and feel sad for not fulfill them.